A year ago, I attended a women wellness event in Atlanta, Georgia where I heard one of the panelist say, “I started to truly live in my purpose, when I realized that all of it mattered. My mental, spiritual, and physical health. What I ate, what I thought, and how I moved my body determined the likelihood of my success.” Her words resonated within me. It is important that success and good health are in alignment in order to live out your purpose.
I was not always conscious of my total-self and how it all mattered. I have always been a person of “high energy” taking on more than I could handle. For me, productivity meant survival or getting as much done as you can even if this meant to the point of a physical and mental breakdown. I would commit to everyone, everything, while trying to be everywhere.
Maintaining good health is a must. I can not be of any good for others until I am well for myself. If being well for myself means that I can be around longer for my family; then mindfulness, healthy eating and exercise must become apart of my daily life.
Meditation– I began consistently meditating a little over two years ago, but I started my journey in 2009 after my son was born. This practice did not come easy. I found myself struggling as most people do when they begin meditation. Focusing on breathing instead of trying to quiet my thoughts eventually helped me increase my meditation time and I held on to the practice. I have experienced many benefits from daily meditation. It has decreased stress levels, allowed me to become more conscious about my breathing and the energy flow within my body, and most importantly, it created a flow within me that allows life to be more manageable. Daily, I awake and travel to my sacrifice place that is designated in my home to perform my meditation routine. I sometime use mediation prompts or music, but I can also meditate in complete silence. I have introduced this practice to my family, offering them the opportunity to develop their mindfulness meditation techniques.
Journaling– Since I was a little girl, I have always written my feelings down. I would write long letters to myself about my love interest, desires, and secrets and leave them in a shoe box for later consumption. My best friend and I in high school would write letters to each other at night, pass them off in the morning, and reflect about our writings in the next day’s letter. I personally think writing things down is super dope, especially when you are gifted with the opportunity to revisit and reflect on any past experience where your thoughts and emotions were captured. For me, my journaling confirms my journey and helps me makes it all make sense.
Yoga– YES GIRL, YES! Sign up if you can. And when I am not able to make the roster, I will gladly stretch and move behind the doors of my own home. Yoga freed me from my body. I see myself as a vessel that not only requires motion, but conscious movements to help me experience the totality of being. In yoga, I can define energy in every space within me. My practice creates a level of freedom that continues to transform my life.
Nutrition– This has been the most difficult journey of all. I have tried to become vegetarian, pespetarian, and all of the rest-a-tarians, and nothing has fully stuck with me. What is working for me now is more of a clean eating and routine approach. I wake up and drink an herbal tea followed by making a health smoothie for the morning. By noon, I have a light snack that consist of fruits or veggies from yesterday’s dinner. My dinner consists of a meat, double veggies, and a side. Thus far, this routine works well with my daily practice.
As I continue to make my health a priority, I am witnessing the clarity of my calling. I am becoming more comfortable in who I am, and what I set out to do. The goal for me is to live a balance but effective life, where I am in good health and I am working towards living out my dreams.