When I first professed to be a lover of all things feminine, I knew for sure I wanted to promote women and their ability to express themselves fully. Having experienced feelings of discomfort in my very own womanhood, I desired to help women develop the confidence to own and express their truths. No longer dancing with the notion of set attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with girls or women in our society, a woman’s choice in how she chooses to show up in this world is simple. IT IS HER CHOICE. True feminine expression derives from unrestricted boundaries and guidelines. It comes in all flavors and unimaginable make-ups.
Fortunately, we women, have birth a society where self exploration, self compassion, and limitless power is in full rotation. A society where we are well aware of the need of adhering to a deeper calling not bound by tradition. We are writing our own rules. We are defining our own paths. And we are becoming braver by sharing our true selves with the world.
Why hire a Femininity Coach. Ain’t I woman enough?
You are absolutely enough woman, as there is no concrete formula for womanhood. But are you boldly being YOU for YOU, within your relationships, and within the space that you chose to show up in?
These are the concerns that women hassle with daily. And these are also the same concerns women are choosing to relinquish full responsible of.
What can I do for you?
Spark Vision: Throughout my time as a coach, I have been graced with the opportunity to journey aside women during their proclamation for freedom within themselves and total fulfillment.
As their coach, I pride myself in having a keen ear along with the ability to hear beneath the surface. I follow the trends in my clients’ conversations. I have learn to hear deeply and get to the bottom of the goals my clients desire to manifest. What I have also learned is to hear what my clients do not have the courage to speak out loud. Through my sessions and interactive activities, I provide guidance and reassurance to help my clients with their new found visions and truths.
Encouraging your Path: I am a firm believer that there is a natural rhythm to every person’s life. A rhythm that encourages the evolution of ones true potential. This rhythm provides a frequency allowing you to become aware of when you are on and off track with what is true within you.
As a coach, I help bring awareness to this rhythm by challenging my clients in becoming comfortable with understanding their relationship with this rhythm. I foster self-awareness and help empower ones ability to ignite action throughout their process of evolution.
Making is Practical: The power of convenience can help women wearing multiple hats get further along their journey. Having tangible options and strategies one can use to bring them closer to their dreams is what people are truly seeking. A personal motivator, brain storming partner, and process developer who will devote their time to ensuring that what you have professed as your life goals, you are wholeheartedly completing the necessary steps to bring it in fruition.
Women everyday are making record breaking changes to our world but there are also a great amount of women awaiting their time to make a lasting mark. Whether not having the confidence to do so, or needing direction on what steps to take; this feeling came become unsettling. This is why my services are available in that you will not feel alone or lost throughout this process. Hiring a coach can be the next powerful move towards a change life.